GRI Alfa Tango Division Uruguay  



Galeria de fotos del GRI Alfa Tango Division Uruguay

Photos Gallery of GRI Alfa Tango Uruguay

On the top:

                   This picture was taken on November 1989 during the First Alfa Tango Uruguay Meeting in San Carlos.-More than 20 units were there for this event .-This one would be the first of a long list of Uruguayan Meetings.-

In the middle

                       A picture taken in 1990 during the 2nd.Uruguay Meeting, when  winners of 1st.Uruguay National Contest were receiving prizes.-

From the left to rigth:12AT135 Diego(writing), 12AT040 Wilson with his son , Pablo "Darwin" (now 12AT189), Pombo 12AT146 (1st.Uruguay Contest Manager), 12AT121 Jorge, and 12AT051 Juan Manuel (ex-151).-                                                                    




On the bottom


                            This picture was taken during the 2nd.Uruguay Meeting, in Montevideo, on 1990.-

From left to right,on the top:

12AT189 Pablo,12AT146 Pombo,12AT147 Alfredo,12AT051 Juan Manuel,12AT163 Raul ,12AT161 Vicente,12AT171 Gustavo,12AT173 Enrique,12AT169 Juan Carlos, 12AT040 Wilson and 12AT180 Enrique.-

In the middle.from left to right:

12AT116 Alfonso,12AT121 Jorge,12AT127 Enrique, 12AT128 Ramón, 12AT031 Jorge, 12AT135 Diego, 12AT137 Eduardo and  12AT138 Richard.-

On the bottom,from left to right:

12AT101 Chango,12AT102 Jorge,12AT108 Yolanda,12AT110 Carlos, 12AT112 Monica and 12AT113 Eduardo.-